KASHMIR CONFLICT BETWEEN PAKISTAN AND INDIAN Kashmiri has been the bone of contention between Pakistan and India since 1947. The major reason for the struggle is religious. Muslims Kashmir does not support a Hindu rule, while India is not ready to change the situation. As a feudatory state Kashmiris want to join Pakistan whereas it's Hindu ruler wanted to align with India. Then the issue has started. Pakistan has diligent with Azad Kashmiri, while India administers Jammu and Kashmir. There have been separatist movements in the north-east of India. Many areas of Kashmir in which separatists are fighting Indian forces. The violence has caused more than 47000 deaths and hundreds of disappearances and displacements. This 71-years-old dispute has been responsible for some severe human rights violations while no one is ready to take responsibility. No one is ready to mediate between both parties to help solve the dispute. People of Kashmir suffering in this entire situation. They ar...